” a Binance executive wrote in an internal message excerpted in the complaint. 39 for the last time we wrote about the multiprocess sub-project. ● Evaluate proposed changes to BIP341 taproot transaction digest: as described in last week’s newsletter, there has been a request for taproot signatures to make an additional commitment to the scriptPubKeys of all the UTXOs being spent in a transaction. 18861 prevents the node from replying to a P2P protocol getdata request for a transaction that it hasn’t yet announced to the requesting peer. If you have any questions or concerns about the proposed transaction digest revision, we suggest either replying to the mailing list or contacting the BIP341 authors directly. ● Minimum transaction size discussion: Thomas Voegtlin posted to the Bitcoin-Dev mailing list about creating transactions with stripped sizes (non-witness sizes) as small as 60 bytes. ● Breez wallet enables spontaneous payments: Version 0.9 of Breez wallet adds the ability to send spontaneous payments to Lightning nodes that support keysend. ● Lightning-based messenger application Juggernaut launches: In a blog post announcing the first release of Juggernaut, John Cantrell describes how the messaging and wallet features are built using keysend payments. ● What if the mempool exceeds 300 MB?
The node will begin to drop transactions with the lowest feerate and increase its minMempoolFeeRate communicated to peers in order to keep the mempool size under that node’s maxmempool configuration. Historically, Bitcoin’s price has tended to increase in the months leading up to halving, as investors and traders anticipate a supply shock. All of these examples illustrate how global chaos is generally seen as beneficial to Bitcoin’s price since Bitcoin is apolitical and sits outside the control or influence of any particulate government. Yes, Bitcoin basically works by your computer being sent calculations, each calculation gives your computer a chance to be sent a bitcoin chunk (each chunk consists of 50 bitcoins) mining hardware darastocally. Bitcoin is the first practical solution to a longstanding problem in computer science called the Byzantine Generals Problem. Your first priority when you are holding any cryptocurrencies should be making sure they are kept safe. Somsen’s SAS protocol leaves each party holding coins that they can spend at any time-but which they may need to spend on short notice if their counterparty attempts theft (similar to how LN channels need to be monitored). The previous standard protocol uses four transactions. Pieter Wuille describes some of the downsides of using RFC6979 and why BIP340 uses a simpler nonce-generation algorithm inspired by Ed25519.
● Why isn’t RFC6979 used for schnorr signature nonce generation? ● LND 0.10.1-beta.rc2 is the latest release candidate for the next maintenance release of LND. ● Bitcoin Core 0.20.0rc2 is the most recent release candidate for the next major version of Bitcoin Core. Bitcoin Core refuses to relay or mine transactions smaller than 82 bytes. ● Bitcoin Core 0.20.0rc2 is the newest release candidate for the next major version of Bitcoin Core. ● LND 0.10.1-beta.rc1 is the first release candidate for the next maintenance release of LND. ● Copay enables CPFP for incoming transactions: Version 9.3.0 adds the ability for the user to speed up an incoming transaction using child-pays-for-parent. The Bitcoin protocol and software are published openly and any developer around the world can review the code or make their own modified version of the Bitcoin software. Commenting on the protocol, Lloyd Fournier noted the “elegance” of a simplified version of the protocol that uses three transactions. ● Lightning Loop using multipath payments: The latest upgrade from Lightning Labs now uses multipath payments to convert onchain funds into funds within LN channels.
18956 uses the API on Windows systems to require Windows 7 or later. Cryptocurrency as crypto-economic plays a critical role in increasing financial inclusion and creating innovative microeconomies, and these structures can also create exploitative systems or undermine existing payment and financial systems. ● Comment if you expect to need P2SH-wrapped taproot addresses: recent discussion on the Bitcoin-Dev mailing list indicates that the bip-taproot proposal may be amended to disallow creating taproot inputs by paying P2SH outputs (the way you can currently use P2WPKH and P2WSH inputs created from P2SH outputs). 4227 removes raw private key handling from various packages, paving the way for hardware wallet signing support. The larger effort to remove all private key handling can be tracked here. After describing the motivation for the current relay rule, Sanders asks whether the rule can be simplified to only forbid transactions whose stripped size is exactly 64 bytes. ● Two-transaction cross chain atomic swap or same-chain coinswap: Ruben Somsen posted to the Bitcoin-Dev mailing list and created a video describing a procedure for a trustless exchange of coins using only two transactions, named Succinct Atomic Swaps (SAS). Also included are our regular sections describing changes to services and client software, new releases and release candidates, and notable changes to popular Bitcoin infrastructure software.