Binance Labs finds and supports successful blockchain entrepreneurs, startups, and communities. In fact, it might be fair to say that if there is a feature or product on another exchange that Binance doesn’t already have, there’s a very good chance they are working on it or going to release a bigger and better version. Needless to say traders should note of what they learn, this way they will always be one step ahead. Since anchor outputs-style fee bumping works via CPFP, users will need to keep UTXOs available in their bitcoind wallet. 184) by choosing a more aggressive confirmation target when the wallet is low on UTXOs. Rubin suggests that this would eliminate many problems with CPFP and RBF fee bumping related to contract protocols where two or more users shared ownership of a UTXO, or other cases where the use of presigned transactions meant the current network feerates couldn’t have been known when the transaction was signed in the past. ● Fee accounts: Jeremy Rubin posted to the Bitcoin-Dev mailing list the rough idea for 바이낸스 레퍼럴 [] a soft fork that could make it easier to add fees to presigned transactions, such as those used in LN and other contract protocols.
When a miner is the first to solve a block of transactions, they get to add that block to the blockchain and receive rewards. The mainnet blockchain contains two duplicate coinbase transactions, at height 91,842 and 91,880. They are identical to previous coinbase transactions and overwrote existing coinbase outputs before they were spent, reducing total available supply by 100 BTC. However, testnet3 has meanwhile exceeded the height of 1,983,702. Bitcoin Core thus reverted to performing the checks for duplicate unspent transactions on every testnet transaction. It is part of a series of PRs to add support for Erlay to Bitcoin Core. Pieter Wuille links to Bitcoin Core’s BIPs documentation that keeps track of BIPs that are implemented in Bitcoin Core. 23882 contains an update of the documentation in validation.cpp regarding the operation of testnet3. Pieter Wuille notes that those bitcoins are not retrievable since the user would need to find a script that hashes to the public key in the P2TR address, a computationally infeasible operation. 37. P2C allows a spender and a receiver to agree on the text of a contract (or anything else) and then create a public key that commits to that text. 3083 allows administrators to log into a BTCPay instance using LNURL authentication (which can also be implemented in non-LN software).
Notable changes this week in Bitcoin Core, C-Lightning, Eclair, LDK, LND, libsecp256k1, Hardware Wallet Interface (HWI), Rust Bitcoin, BTCPay Server, BDK, Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIPs), and Lightning BOLTs. After a recent update to Rust Bitcoin introduced stricter parsing of signature fields, a discussion ensued whether a signature field in a PSBT may hold a placeholder, or only valid signatures were permissible. There is no enforced order; either peer may send it first. Are there any drawbacks to this approach? After an exchange changed a user’s P2TR (native segwit v1) taproot withdrawal address into a P2WSH (native segwit v0) address due to lack of taproot support, the user asks if there is a way to claim the bitcoins in the resulting v0 output. Splitting a large PR into smaller chunks helps encourage more focused and thorough review on a PR before merge without forcing reviewers to consider huge change sets at a time, and it reduces the chance of running into review obstacles due to Github scalability issues.
This smaller signature results in lower fees and the fact that the signature is a known 32 byte size helps with more accurate fee estimation. This week’s newsletter describes the results of discussion about choosing activation parameters for a taproot soft fork and includes our regular sections with selected questions and answers from the Bitcoin Stack Exchange, releases and release candidates, and notable changes to popular Bitcoin infrastructure software. This week’s newsletter describes a proposal to extend PSBTs with fields for spending outputs constructed using a pay-to-contract protocol and includes our regular sections with summaries of top posts from the Bitcoin Stack Exchange and notable changes to popular Bitcoin infrastructure projects. It’s network expands itself on a regular basis as more and more individuals and business organization getting to it. Vitalik: Anyway, what are the difficulties with getting users their money back? Why are you worried about Bitcoin? What is happening to the value of bitcoin and why?